The Hot Wheel Mini Rose Bouquet is the perfect addition to your home decor. This bouquet features 10 eternal roses, available in the color of your choice, that will add a touch of elegance to any space. But there's more! Each bouquet also comes with a surprise hot wheel car, making it perfect for car enthusiasts or as a unique gift for someone special.
Key Features:
- 10 Eternal Roses in Your Color Choice
- Surprise Hot Wheel Car Included
- Adds Elegance to Any Space
The eternal roses are carefully preserved to maintain their beauty without requiring any maintenance or water. The hot wheel car adds a fun and playful touch that will bring joy and excitement into any room.
Whether you're decorating your home or looking for the perfect gift, the Hot Wheel Mini Rose Bouquet is sure to impress. Order now and add some unique flair to your decor!